A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Select a letter and all the artworks with the title starting with that letter will be displayed.

Artworks starting with 'G'

  1. G I F 3 (artists book) (2015/12)
  2. Gaasperzoom Cricket Academy (2004/35)
  3. Gabled homestead (1989/398)
  4. Gabled homestead (1989/416)
  5. Gabled homestead - morning star (unfinished) (1989/420)
  6. Gala (1999/4)
  7. Galdiolus Spathacens (1989/900)
  8. Galiolus Masculatus (1989/897)
  9. Galiolus Masculatus (1989/898)
  10. Garden City (1997/20)
  11. Gaste (2001/51)
  12. Gates of Gold (1991/1)
  13. Gee ons vandag ons Daagliks Brood en … (2002/2)
  14. Gelanseer (1977/13)
  15. Genadenthal (1989/399)
  16. Generals Crying (2003/35)
  17. Genitalia (2005/41)
  18. Genna and Felix (2018/2)
  19. Gentleman Jim (1998/49)
  20. Geomorph No.7 (1989/174)
  21. Geostructure No.33 (1989/176)
  22. Giants Castle under Snow (2002/19)
  23. Girl and Duck (1989/66)
  24. Girl in traditional costume (1989/270)
  25. Girl with Cats (1989/128)
  26. Girl with Plaits (1977/24)
  27. Glade (1989/763)
  28. Gladilus (sic) Spathacens (1989/899)
  29. Glass Houses and Fence Sitters (2003/16)
  30. Glen with trees (1989/461)
  31. Glenclairn (1989/464)
  32. Gold and Ivory Elephants charging over quartose country (1988/3)
  33. Golf Lesson Johannesburg (2003/50)
  34. Gordon's bay (1989/468)
  35. Gordon's bay (1989/469)
  36. Gordon's bay (1989/482)
  37. Gordon's bay (1989/545)
  38. Government Avenue, Cape Town (2000/24)
  39. Grand Parents' Bedroom, Uitsig (2019/22)
  40. Grandfather's Work Bench, Lantana Road, Uitsig (2019/33)
  41. Graphic - Disasters of Peace 23 (2008/7)
  42. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Acrobats" (1989/667)
  43. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Figurines" (1989/666)
  44. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Heads" (1989/668)
  45. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Horses" (1989/671)
  46. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Portraits" (1989/670)
  47. Greek Sculptural Themes - "Sybilles" (1989/669)
  48. Greek Sculptural Themes - Frontispiece (1989/665)
  49. Green Grass (1985) (1987/16)
  50. Greinkant (1994) (1997/6)
  51. Guantanomo Bay (2009/67)
  52. Guilt is for Protection, not for Destruction - Precious Paradise 6 (2007/11)

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