SA National Gallery

Art Collection


This project provides access to the art collection.

Currently there are a total number of 10259 artworks on this database.

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Select a letter and all the artists with their surname starting with that letter will be displayed.

Artists starting with 'D'
  1. Ugo Da Capri
  2. Leandro Da Ponte
  3. Cesare Da Sesto
  4. Antonio Da Trento (After Parmigianino)
  5. Girolamo dai Leoni
  6. A Daini
  7. Dal Faro
  8. Jules Aimé Dalou
  9. Welcome Danca
  10. Samuel Daniell
  11. Molly D'Arcy Thompson
  12. Roxandra Dardagan
  13. Charles Daubigny
  14. Honoré Daumier
  15. Alan Davie
  16. E Davies
  17. Lionel Davis
  18. Richard Davis
  19. Ron Davis
  20. William Davis
  21. Joos de Momper
  22. Leon de Bliquy
  23. Theophile De Bock
  24. Araminta de Clermont
  25. G De Cortona
  26. F. P. de Grebber
  27. W De Heusch
  28. Melchior De Hondecoeter
  29. L. de Jonge
  30. Tinus De Jongh
  31. Willem De Keyser
  32. Philip De Koning
  33. Gérard De Lairesse
  34. Gerard De Leeuw
  35. Alfred De Pass
  36. Abraham De Smidt
  37. Philippe De Soye
  38. Estelle de Villiers
  39. Jac de Villiers
  40. Stephen de Villiers
  41. Antoine De Vinck
  42. Maurice De Vlaminck
  43. Gill De Vlieg
  44. Simon De Vlieger
  45. Barend de Wet (1956-2017)
  46. Jean de Wet
  47. Peter de Wint
  48. Jacob De Wit
  49. Emmanuel de Witte
  50. Francisco De Zurbaran (attributed to)
  51. Edouard-Bernard Debat-Ponsan
  52. Gabriel Decamps
  53. Edgar Degas
  54. Agostino Dei Musi
  55. Ferdinand Delacroix
  56. Sonia Delaunay
  57. Peggy Delport
  58. Maurice Denis
  59. N Denisovsky
  60. Robyn Denny
  61. Charles D'entraygues
  62. André Derain
  63. Tracy Derrick
  64. Marcellin Desboutin
  65. Nerine Desmond
  66. Valerie Desmore
  67. Alexandré Desportes
  68. Edward Detmold
  69. Anthony Devas
  70. Jean Dewasne
  71. Jacques Dhont
  72. Michaelangelo Di Campidoglio
  73. Brendhan Dickerson
  74. Lowes Dickinson
  75. Jennifer Dickson
  76. Chris Diedericks
  77. Keith Dietrich
  78. Dieter Dill
  79. James Dine
  80. Martin Disler
  81. Solly Disner
  82. Otto Dix
  83. Christine Dixie
  84. Ethel May Dixie
  85. Leng Dixon
  86. Mark Dixon
  87. Percy Dixon
  88. Albert Dlamini
  89. Frank Dobson
  90. Lena Dodd (after Frans Hals)
  91. Joe Dolby
  92. John Charles Dollman
  93. GF Domenichino
  94. Pranas Domsaitis
  95. Michelle Donde
  96. Douglas
  97. L Douglas
  98. Lambert Doumer
  99. Patrick Downie
  100. Elizabeth Drake
  101. William Dring
  102. John Dronsfield
  103. Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot
  104. J. E. Drummond
  105. Karel Du Jardin
  106. George(s) Du Maurier
  107. Enslin Du Plessis
  108. Guy Du Toit
  109. Paul Du Toit
  110. Hendrik Dubbels
  111. Neville Dubow
  112. JRK Duff
  113. Raoul Dufy
  114. Thomas Dugdale
  115. Alfred Martin Duggan-Cronin
  116. Gaspard Dughet (also known as Gaspard Poussin)
  117. Karel Dujardin
  118. Edmund Dulac
  119. Marlene Dumas
  120. Bertram Walter Dumbleton
  121. Evelyn Dunbar
  122. Edward Duncan
  123. Alfred Dunn
  124. Normand Dunn
  125. Andre Dunoyer De Segonzac
  126. Albrecht Dürer
  127. Diederick During
  128. Unknown Dutch
  129. Ricky Dyaloyi
  130. Andile Dyalvane
  131. Cornelis Dysart
  132. Elza Dziomba

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Please note this is a 'work in progress' and continually being updated. Contact us with any queries.

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